Vistage is my secret weapon. It is my board of directors. It is who helps hold me accountable. Vistage makes me a better leader, a better husband, and a better father.
Jamie Ogle – CEO Lloyd’s Pest Control
Vistage has seen me through one of the most difficult seasons of my life. I joined as a new CEO of a company that had suddenly lost its beloved Founder to cancer. With only a few months under my belt, our sales dropped in half at the onset of the Covid Pandemic. The support, wisdom, candor, and encouragement from the seasoned leaders of CE12 have not only helped me weather these storms, but also accelerated my growth and shaped my future. This group of savvy, caring, gritty go-getters have challenged me to become a better leader, husband, father and friend. And for this, I am forever grateful.
Chris Gordon – R3 Gifts
I just celebrated my 6 year anniversary with Vistage and at the age of 66 I can honestly say that membership has been the best investment I have ever made in my business. There are so many take aways for me but there is a lasting one I am confident will be with me for the rest of my life. You see, when I joined, I had no exit strategy and today, through the support of our group and Mark, I have a clear plan and an understanding of what I need to do in the coming years to enable me to monetize the investment that I have spent 45 years building. Just one of things that I have done is to have my second in command join a Vistage group to prepare him for what is next and my entire leadership team now has a vested interest in my successful exit. I have confidence that whatever the next step my company takes in this journey our customers, employees, and vendor partners will be well supported.
Jim Herr – CEO Parron Hall
These times bring us together to harness our power as a group of smart, capable business people that really care about each other and want to help each other only because we can, not for any gain or monetary reason.