Daisha Amazing

President - Amazing Air

Vistage Value – Daisha finds comfort sitting in a room of CEOs who support her unconditionally. She found the burden of isolation melting away after each and every group meeting. Daisha’s ability to see answers in patterns has been invaluable to group discussions. Her love of family helps keep the group grounded.

Gold Nugget Moment – During one of her monthly 1-to-1’s with the Chair, she realized that though her journey and challenges were unique to her, they were not unique to the Chair.

The Short Story – As the founder of Amazing Air, Daisha has achieved significant success in a short amount of time, raising a Series A and building a top-notch management team. Later this year, her product launch will not only disrupt the wind power industry, but fundamentally change how energy is owned and distributed.

Contact Mark Fackler

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